jueves, 3 de febrero de 2011

Ganancias en Hollywood. ¿Cuánto han ganado las celebridades?

1. James Cameron

Sin duda Avatar ha sido el negocio del año en cuanto a cine. La película recaudó nada más y nada menos que 1095 millones de dólares (casi nada). Cameron ya ha demostrado a lo largo de su carrera que quizás de cine no sepa mucho, pero de hacer dinero sabe un rato. Como principal productor y directo, se embolsó la friolera de 248 millones de dólares, convirtiéndose en la celebridad "mejor pagda" de Hollywood durante 2010.

2. Johnny Depp

Ha sido un muy buen año para Eduardo Manostijeras. Ha ganado en total 100 millones de dólares por haber protagonizado tres películas que han respondido bastante bien en taquilla: Alicia en el país de las maravillas, Piratas del Caribe y The tourist.

3. Steven Spielberg

A Spielberg ya le entra la pasta por las orejas. Sin haber sacado a taquilla ninguna superproducción en 2010, ha sido el tercero en la lista con más ganancias. Sólo con derechos, propiedades y consultorías, ha ganado 80 millones de dólares.

4. Christopher Nolan

Otro taquillazo en 2010, dirigido y producido por el directo de "el Caballero Oscuro y Memento",  ha sido Origen. Este grandísimo director ha conseguido algo más que lo que ha hecho Cameron: hacer películas buenas que además venden. 70 millones de dólares de ganancias.

El resto de la lista: (a destacar que en ella están los tres protagonistas de la saga Crepúsculo)

15. Robert Pattinson

ESTIMATED 2010 EARNINGS: $27.5 MILLION (2009 rank: 35)
$12.5 million: The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn—Part 1 (fee for co-starring)
$12.5 million: The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn—Part 2 (fee for co-starring)
$1.5 million: Water for Elephants (fee for starring alongside Reese Witherspoon in upcoming literary adaptation)
$1 million: Fee for starring in upcoming costume drama Bel Ami; older film revenue, mostly from Twilight franchise

14. Jerry Bruckheimer

ESTIMATED 2010 EARNINGS: $27.5 MILLION (2009 rank: 10)
$10 million: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (fee for producing fourth installment of his lucrative Johnny Depp vehicle)
$10 million: Annual first-look production deal with Disney
$7.5 million: Older film revenue

13. Kristen Stewart

ACTRESS (The Gersh Agency)
ESTIMATED 2010 EARNINGS: $28.5 MILLION (2009 rank: 37)
$12.5 million: The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn—Part 1 (fee for co-starring)
$12.5 million: The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn—Part 2 (fee for co-starring)
$2.5 million: On the Road (fee for starring in long-aborning adaptation of the Jack Kerouac classic)
$1 million: Older film revenue, mostly from Twilight franchise

12. Joe Roth

ESTIMATED 2010 EARNINGS: $28.5 MILLION (2009 rank: —)
$27.5 million: Alice in Wonderland (back-end for producing, based on worldwide gross of $1.02 billion, and share of DVD and pay-TV revenue)
$1 million: Older film revenue

11. Will Smith

ESTIMATED 2010 EARNINGS: $29 MILLION (2009 rank: —)
$20 million: Men in Black III (fee for starring in upcoming franchise resuscitation)
$5.5 million: The Karate Kid (back-end for producing, based on worldwide gross of $358 million, plus share of DVD and pay-TV revenue)
$3.5 million: Older film revenue

10. Robert Downey Jr.

ESTIMATED 2010 EARNINGS: $31.5 MILLION (2009 rank: 28)
$15 million: Fee for starring in upcoming untitled Sherlock Holmes sequel
$12 million: Iron Man 2 (back-end, based on worldwide gross of $627 million, and share of DVD and pay-TV revenue)
$3.5 million: Sherlock Holmes (back-end, based on worldwide gross of $523 million, and share of DVD and pay-TV revenue)
$1 million: Older film revenue

9. Taylor Lautner

ESTIMATED 2010 EARNINGS: $33.5 million (2009 rank: —)
$12.5 million: The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn—Part 1 (fee for co-starring in upcoming penultimate Twilight film)
$12.5 million: The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn—Part 2 (fee for co-starring in upcoming final Twilight film)
$7.5 million: Abduction (fee for starring in upcoming John Singleton thriller)
$1 million: Older film revenue, mostly from Twilight franchise

8. Todd Phillips

ESTIMATED 2010 EARNINGS: $34 MILLION (2009 rank: 5)
$15 million: The Hangover Part II (fee for writing, producing, and directing)
$13 million: The Hangover (back-end for producing and directing; excludes $39 million earned in 2009)
$3 million: Due Date (back-end for producing and directing, based on worldwide gross of $200 million, as of December 31, 2010)
$2 million: Older film revenue
$1 million: Project X (fee for producing upcoming low-budget comedy)

7. Adam Sandler
ESTIMATED 2010 EARNINGS: $50 MILLION (2009 rank: 12)
$25 million: Just Go with It (fee for producing and starring in upcoming comedy opposite Jennifer Aniston)
$20 million: Jack and Jill (fee for producing and starring in upcoming comedy with Katie Holmes and Al Pacino)
$3 million: Grown Ups (back-end for starring and writing, based on worldwide gross of $271 million, plus share of DVD and pay-TV revenue)
$2 million: Older film revenue

6. Tim Burton

DIRECTOR (William Morris Endeavor)
ESTIMATED 2010 EARNINGS: $53 MILLION (2009 rank: —)
$50 million: Alice in Wonderland (back-end for directing, based on worldwide gross of $1.02 billion, and share of DVD and pay-TV revenue)
$3 million: Older film revenue

5. Leonardo DiCaprio

ACTOR (Special Artists Agency)
ESTIMATED 2010 EARNINGS: $62 MILLION (2009 rank: —)
$59 million: Inception (back-end for starring in somewhat convoluted Christopher Nolan film)
$3 million: Back-end for starring in somewhat convoluted Martin Scorsese film Shutter Island, older film revenue.

FUENTE: vanityfair.com

1 comentario:

  1. Pues sí ke se llevó una buena tajada el señorito Cameron. Habeis visto ke tiene una nueva peli? Sanctum. alguien sabe algo de esa?

    Habeis visto Memento de Nolan joder vaya puzzle de peli macho xD

    Men in black III!!?? refrito? xD

